• PHY-301 | Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-301
    Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 301 : THEROMODYNAMICS AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-402 | Optics and Lasers

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-402
    Optics and Lasers

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 402 : Optics and Lasers’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.


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  • PHY-602 | Material Science

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-602
    Material Science

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 602 : Material Science’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • University Physics for Undergraduates

    Physics is the fundamental science that seeks to understand the natural laws governing the universe. Its principles form the basis for countless technological advancements and scientific inquiries that shape our world. This reference book aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for students, educators, and professionals who seek to deepen their understanding of this dynamic field.
    We are very glad to present this book “University Physics for Undergraduates (Volume-III)”. Our objective in creating this book is to offer a detailed and systematic knowledge related to topics Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics, Optics and LASERs. This book is written by keeping in mind the curriculum prescribed by UGC.
    To develop interest of learners, diagrams and solved examples are given in each chapter. At the end of each chapter, multiple choice questions, short answer questions and long answer questions are provided. The book is written in simple and lucid language.
    This book is the result of contributions from numerous experts in various subfields of physics, whose insights and expertise have enriched its content. We extend our gratitude to these individuals for their dedication and hard work.

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  • ZOO-202 | Frog – The Chordate

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | ZOO-202
    Frog – The Chordate

    We are very glad to present this book on ZOO-202 “Frog – The Chordate” in the hands of F.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers. The book is strictly compiled and written according to the CBCS pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Zoology, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for F.Y.B.Sc. to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. References are included at the end of book for ready reference to students and teachers for further study and reading. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.

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  • ZOO-203 | Practical Zoology

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | ZOO-203
    Practical Zoology

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for F.Y.B.Sc., ZOO – 203 : Practical Zoology which is implemented form June 2022.
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
    We are grateful to obliged Academic Book Publications and their entire team bringing out this book in time.
    Constructive suggestions and comments are welcome form students and colleagues for the improvement of this book.

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  • ZOO-505 | Public Health and Hygiene

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | ZOO-505
    Public Health and Hygiene

    We are very glad to present this book on “Public Health and Hygiene’’ in the hands of T.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers. The book is strictly compiled and written according to the CBCS pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Zoology, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for T.Y.B.Sc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. At the end of references and webliography is presented for further reading and referencing to students and teachers. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.

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