• Management Science

    The traditional manager could use only traditional skills, the day-to day management. But the real success of management lies in applying the professional managerial techniques in all managerial activities. This text will help to all management students to focus over professional managerial techniques and management practices. The authors have been instrumental in collecting the data. information, knowledge and even text from various sources to make it really fruitful for the purpose. The priority is given to the compliance of the subject as prescribed; f0r- this, the authors have even collected the maternal written by various authors, website, blogs. anides and their own research papers in this field

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  • Marketing Management

    The marketing concept believes that achieving the company’s objectives depends on understanding the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction in a better way than what the competitors are doing. Focus on customer and value is considered the path to successful sales and company profits in this concept. The customer is considered ‘The King’ and the company produces and markets what the customer wants. The selling concept takes an inside out perspective. It starts with the factory, focuses on the company’s existing products, and calls for heavy selling and promotion to generate profitable sales. The focus is mainly on conquering the customer, for short term sales, with no concern for consumers. The marketing concept takes an outside in perspective. It starts with a well defined target market, focuses on customer needs, and integrates all the marketing activities that affect the customers. Profits come from creating long term customer relationships based on customer value and satisfaction.

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  • Quantitative Techniques

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  • Quantitative Techniques

    We have great pleasure in introducing this book ‘Quantitative Techniques’ to the student community. This book is helpful in particular to the F.Y.B.Com., Semester II students of the North Maharashtra University as it is written strictly according to their syllabus. This is also useful to the students undergoing graduation in Management with North Maharashtra University and other parallel courses in various Universities.
    Students will certainly appreciate and like the syllabus oriented, easy to understand point wise presentation. Each chapter is devoted for one unit of syllabus.

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  • निवडक दहा कथा – आशय आणि स्वरूप

    “कथा हा मानवी अभिव्यक्तीचा मूलभूत प्रकार आहे. लोककहाणीच्या परंपरेतून प्रवाहित झालेल्या या अभिव्यक्तीच्या रीतीने आधुनिक काळात स्फुट कथा, लघुकथा, नवकथा, दीर्घकथा, लघुत्तम कथा या लिखित रुपांमधून मराठी कथेने प्रवास केलेला आहे. कथेच्या संरचनेत होत गेलेली ही स्थित्यंतरे समजून घेतानाच हेही ध्यानात घ्यायला हवे की, विशेषत: 1960-70 च्या दशकानंतर जीवनाशयाची विभिन्न रुपे केंद्रस्थानी ठेवून मराठी कथा आकाराला येऊ लागली. समाजवास्तवाच्या अंतरंगात शिक्षण, लोकशाही व्यवस्था आणि सामजिक आंदोलने यांच्या रेट्यामुळे होत गेलेली स्थित्यंतरे विभिन्न समूहस्तरांच्या जीवनजाणिवा लेखनाविष्काराच्या केंद्रस्थानी आणण्यास कारणीभूत ठरली. त्याचाच परिपाक म्हणून दलित, कृषिजन, स्त्रीवादी/स्त्रीकेंद्री, मुस्लिम, आदिवासी, विज्ञान व महानगरीय कथासाहित्याचे प्रवाह गतिमान होत गेले. प्रथम वर्षाच्या विद्यार्थ्यांपर्यंत ह्या प्रवाहांचे प्रातिनिधिक लेखन पोहचविण्याच्या भूमिकेतून सदर अभ्यासक्रमाच्या पुस्तकाची निर्मिती करण्यात आलेली आहे. खेड्यापाड्यातील युवामनांच्या भावनिक व वैचारिक भरणपोषणाच्या दृष्टीने अभ्यासक्रमाची आखणी कशी उपयुक्त ठरु शकते याचा एक उत्तम नमुना स्वायत्ततेअंतर्गत सिद्ध झालेले सदर पुस्तक प्रस्तुत करते.”

    – आशुतोष पाटील

    Nivadak Daha Katha – Aashay Aani Swarup

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