Chemistry Practical - I
F.Y.B.Sc. | SEM. I | Chemistry | CHE-102 (P)
We are happy to place the first edition of CHE 102 (P) Chemistry Practical – I, under faculty of Science and Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, according to new syllabus implemented from year 2024-2025, as per National Education Policy – 2020.
This practical book is written as per New syllabus introduced from 2024-25.We have tried to explain the concepts and information of each experiment in easy language so that students could understand it easily. We feel that the information is presented in a simple form for the better understanding of students.
This practical book includes explanation for each practical and oral questions are given at the end of each section for the benefit of students. In our view the book will fulfil the expectations of students and teachers.
We express our sincere thanks to our colleagues and persons who
have helped us directly or indirectly during writing this book.
Section – I
Experiment No. 1
To Investigate the Adsorption of acetic acid by activated charcoal and verify Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
Experiment No. 2
Investigate the adsorption of oxalic acid by activated charcoal and verify Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
Experiment No. 3
Estimation of aspirin from given tablet and find error in qualitative analysis.
Experiment No. 4
Balancing of chemical equation using titration data between Oxalic acid and KMnO4
Experiment No. 5
Determination of oxidation state and equivalent weight of magnesium and zinc metals by Eudiometric method.
Experiment No. 6
Estimation of the hardness of water by EDTA method.
Section – II
Organic Qualitative Analysis – II
Experiment No. 1
Determination of physical constant, functional group and elements of the organic compound (acidic, basic, phenolic or neutral compound).
Experiment No. 2
Preparation of Organic Derivative
Preparation of semicarbazone derivative of aldehyde and ketone and purity by TLC.
Section – III
Inorganic Preparations – III
a. Inorganic Preparations (Any Three)
Experiment No. 1
Synthesis of Potash Alum from Aluminium metal scrap or Aluminium foil.
Experiment No. 2
Synthesis of Mohr’s Salt [(FeSO4) (NH4)2SO4]•6H2O.
Experiment No. 3
Synthesis of FeSO4•7H2O
Experiment No. 4
Preparation of Dark red inorganic pigment: Cu2O.
b. Estimation of Purity of Salt (Compulsory)
Experiment No. 1
Determination of purity of any one of the synthesized salt by volumetric method.
Experiment No. 2
Estimation of purity of Mohr’s salt [(FeSO4)(NH4)2SO4•6H2O].
Experiment No. 3
Estimation of purity of Ferrous Sulphate [(FeSO4)•7H2O].
Experiment No. 4
Estimation of purity Dark Red Inorganic Pigment Cu2O.
For Self Learning and Internal Evaluation
A. Safety symbol on labels of pack of chemicals and its meaning
B. Precautions in handling of hazardous substances.
C. Toxicity of the compounds used in chemistry laboratory and classification
of toxicity.
D. Preparation of solutions of different strengths (Percentage solutions, molar,
molal and normal solutions).
E. Use of Micro-pipettes.
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