Twentieth Century English Literature
‘Twentieth Century English Literature’ is a work spread across five chapters dealing with Modern English Literature. Under the study the major genres of poetry, drama and novel and criticism have been dealt with. It is the aim that the students should go through the studies of recent developments that have taken places; not only in the field of literature but also learn about the social, political and economic influences operating on literary experimentations and reactions of the writers of the time. It is because these influences serve as the background to all the genres of English literature. Individual elements of these literary forms; their specific features and some of the streams in literature of the time have been covered for the learners at the special level of English Language and Literature Learning. Here the focus is on the literary specimens and the major contributors to the literature of the modern age.
The present work strives to make the picture clear regarding historical / literary background for the students. Accordingly, first and foremost, literary developments in all the genres have been focused on in general sense of time in which it is produced and the writers who shaped this literary period.
- Modern English Literature : Trends, Tendencies and Contributors : 1.1 Modern and Postmodern, 1.2 Modern Period, 1.3 Social Background of the Modern Period, 1.4 Literary Trends in Modern English Literature, 1.4.1 Literary Trends in Modern English Poetry, 1.4.2 Major Contributors to Modern English Poetry, 1.4.3 Literary Trends in Modern English Novel, 1.4.4 Major Novelists of the Modern Age, 1.4.5 Trends in Modern English Drama, 1.4.6 Characteristics of Modern English Drama, 1.4.7 Modern English Dramatists, 1.4.8 Postmodern Drama (The New Theatre), 1.5 Modern Literary Criticism
- Twentieth Century English Poetry : 2.1 W. B. Yeats -2.1.1 A Prayer for My Daughter, 2.1.2 Sailing to Byzantium, 2.2 T. S. Eliot, 2.2.1 Journey of Magi, 2.2.2 Morning at the Window, 2.3 W. H. Davies – 2.3.1 The Kingfisher, 2.3.2 Money, 2.4 Dylan Thomas – 2.4.1 A Fern Hill, 2.4.2 The Hunchback in the Park. 2.5 Wilfred Owen – 2.5.1 Dulce et Decorum Est., 2.5.2 F utility. 2.6 W. H. Auden – 2.6.1 The Shield of Achilles, 2.6.2 Now the leaves are Falling Fast
- Twentieth Century English Drama : Waiting for Godot – Samuel Becket, 3.1 Twentieth Century Drama : Background, 3.2 Trends in Modern Drama, 3.3.1 Beckett’s Life and Works, 3.3.2 Beckett and the Second World War, 3.3.3 Samuel Beckett as the Dramatist, 3.3.4 The Theatre of the Absurd, 3.3.5 Waiting for Godot – An Introduction, 3.3.6 Summary of the Play, 3.3.7 Theme of the Play, 3.3.8 Characterization, 3.3.9 Tragic Elements in the Play, 3.3.10 Comic Elements in the Play
- Twentieth Century English Novel : Lord of the Flies : William Golding, 4.1 Introduction, 4.2 William Golding as a Novelist, 4.3 Theme of Lord of the Flies, 4.4 The Plot-Outline of Lord of the Flies, 4.5 Characterization in Lord of the Flies, 4.6 Critical Appreciation, 4.7 Symbolism and Imagery, 4.8 Political, Psychological and Religious allegory within the novel
- An Introduction to Literary Criticism and : Theory in the Twentieth Century, 5.1 What is Theory in Literary Criticism?, 5.2 Schools of Literary Theory. Appendix I, Modern English Poetry : A Detailed Review
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