• A Geographical Analysis of the Watershed

    His academic interests embrace various aspects of population, Agriculture and Biogeoraphy as well as environmental studies. He is a recognized Ph.D. Supervisor of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. He has published numerous research papers and articles in journals and newspapers. He has been awarded “Paryavarn Puraskar”, by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, “Vasundhara Mitra Puraskar”, by Kirloskar Vasundhara Mitra Puraskar, Maharashtra and “Sarpa Sawardhan Puraskar”, by Maharashtra Sarpmitra Sanghatana, Maharashtra. He is currently nominated by Govt. of Maharashtra as” Honorary Wildlife Warden”, of Amravati Dist.
    He is a life member of “Maharashtra Bhugol Shastra Parishad, Pune, Deccan Geographers Society, Pune. He is life member of Indian Science Congress as well as Executive Member of Amravati Chapter and life member of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Amravati. He is Founder President of two NGOs “Center for Animal Rescue and Study”, and “People for Animals” Amravati. He is passionate sports person, participated in National and Inter University Softball, Baseball and Fencing competition. He loves adventure activities for Wildlife conservation and every year organised several awareness camp for wildlife conservation and environment education’s.

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  • A Text Book of Physical Geography

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  • Agricultural Development and Planning in Western Satpura Region

    Dr. Lalit Pratap Sandanshiv is working as Associate Professor in the Department of Geography of S.V.S’s Dadasaheb Rawal College, Dondaicha affiliated to K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (Maharashtra). Presently he is holding the responsibility of Head of the Department. He has 22 years teaching experience of under graduate and post graduate. He has participated in several international, national and state level conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops and presented research papers. He has published more than fifty research papers in refereed national and international journals and eight books. He has also completed minor research project of UGC, WRO, Pune.
    He has expertise in Economic Geography, Agricultural Geography, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System and other branches of Geography. He has completed NNMRS course of Indian Space Research Organization, Deharadun (Uttarakhand). Moreover, he has honoured with the “Dr. Ambedkar Fellowship Award-2015” of Dalit Sahitya Akadamy, New Delhi and “Vidya Bhushan Award 2010” of INSA organization, Buldhana ( MS). Presently he is a member of Board of Study of Geography in K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Three students of Ph.D. are doing their research work under his supervision in K.B.C. North Maharashtra Jalgaon.

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  • Application of Research Techniques

    Settlement Geography is as ancient as human civilization. Settlement deals with dwellings and villages, township and cities. Prof. Dr. S. R. Chaudhari Ex-Principal, Pratap College, Amalner is an ardent devotee of Settlement Geography right from his students days. His doctoral thesis deals with rural settlements in Khandesh Region of Maharashtra (India) He has devoted the first half of his volume of the present book to – Introduction to the subject, Geographical personality of the region under study, Evolution of the settlements, Place names, Growth, Stagnation, Decline and Desertion of rural settlements in Khandesh, Density, Size, Spacing of settlements, Types of rural settlements, Rural dwellings and house types and amenities available in rural area of the study region. The research methodology applied for the study of these aspects of rural settlements is really a unique piece work. Various maps have added a visual grandeur to whatever theoretical material and practical applications he has complied. His maps and charts are highly illustrative and bring out the essence of the facts which he wants to highlight. His style is lucid, simple, straight forward and flowing logically and systematically.
    In the second half, the last fourteen chapters of the total 27 chapters, the author deals with the various research techniques and applications in presenting the Rural Service Centres, Spaio-Temporal pattern of Rural Service Centres, Service areas of Rural Service Centres, Demarcation of Agro-Service Centres, Role of Rural Service Centres in Economic development, Regional planning of Rural Service Centres, Demographic characteristics, Migration, Rural transformation, Levels of Socio-Economic Development, Case studies, Rehabilitation, of villages, Identification of locations of settlements using Remote Sensing and GIS, and application of GIS in Rural Settlement Geography. Dr. Shankar Ramdas Chaudhari deserves kudos for this enterprise that is a valuable contribution to Geography and Rural Settlement Geography in particular.

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  • Biodiversity of Riverine Fishes

    In the developing countries such as India, fish constitutes one of the main food items of sustenance of many people. The vast inland areas of our country depend mainly on the freshwater fishes for feeding its populace. Fish provides a staple diet and protein supplement and the abundant water resources like river, lakes and dams etc support a good harvest. Improved cultural practices also tend to increase the yield in respect of species choice and quantity. Being easy to catch without much sophisticated gadget freshwater fishing is a common avocation for many in the villages and towns. As such the biodiversity of freshwater fish is large in the study area. The present book entitled “Biodiversity of Riverine fishes from Dhulia and Nandurbar districts of Maharashtra State, India” is a copy of one of the my minor research project entitled “Biodiversity, Nutritional importance and hematological values of riverine fishes from Dhulia and Nandurbar Districts of Maharashtra.
    During research period I was observed, throughout both districts, there are many tributaries of western flowing Tapi River. All having a rich fish biodiversity that could use as a food source for all the peoples of local vicinity. Unfortunately, every day large numbers of fishes including juveniles are also captured and sold in the daily market. It result some fish species might endangered or extinct.It is privilege to engage in the research work in future.

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  • Environmental Studies

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  • Environmental Studies

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  • Environmental Studies

    The Supreme Court ordered in 2003 for the introduction of Environment education as a compulsory subject at higher secondary and undergraduate levels. The introduction of the common course on environment under compulsion obviously brought confusion in the academic communities due to the lack of suitable textbooks in the subject and lack of orientation about the subject among the teachers and students of various disciplines. The authors, with their long experience in environmental teaching and research, took up the challenge and brought out a standard textbook. The book is written as per SPPU syllabus and the various units associated with it have been presented in a simple and lucid style to suit the requirements of the course. The exercises as descriptive answer questions and multiple type questions with their answer keys are given at the end of each unit for practice are intended to reinforce the knowledge of the students.
    This book covers the major environmental aspects as per the syllabus framed by SPPU, Pune like, major environmental ecosystems, natural resources, biodiversity and their conservation, environmental pollution, environmental policies and practices, human communities and environment and guidelines for field work study.

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  • Ethnomedicinal Studies of Kalsubai-Harishchandragad Region of Western Ghats

    The author, Dr. Anil Sopanrao Wabale is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany and Research Centre, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pravaranagar – 413 713. He was awarded Ph.D from Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2007. He has worked as a Research Fellow on major research project (2001-2004) sanctioned by University Grants Commission, New Delhi to Dr. Mrs. A. S. Petkar, Head (Retd.) Department of Botany, Sangamner College.
    Dr. Anil has 36 research papers to his credit and his field of research is medicinal plants, biological control and biofertilizers. He has successfully completed one minor research project (2008-2010) sanctioned by BCUD, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of Pune) and one major research project (2015-2018) sanctioned by University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
    He is a recognized research guide in the subject of Botany and also visited Vienna (Austria) for paper presentation in 2018. He is a Fellow member of Society of Applied Sciences, Agra; Academy of Plant Sciences, Muzaffarnagar; Hind Agri-Horticultural Society, Muzaffarnagar; Indian Botanical Society, Bareilly; Academy for Environment and Life Sciences, Agra; Society of Education, Agra.

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  • Geography of Maharashtra

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  • GG-101-102 | Physical Geography I – II

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | GG-101-102

    The textbook ‘Physical Geography’ is written for the students of F. Y. B.Sc. Sem. I. It gives us great pleasure to handover this textbook to the students and the teachers. We hope the students and teachers will welcome this book by heart. The entire book is prepared with the help of computer. All figures in the book are drawn by the authors themselves and therefore, the book has become more illustrative and informative. All concepts in the book are explained with the help of figures. This is its special feature. There are in all 85 figures. As the figures are drawn by the authors themselves, the content desplayed in the figures has become more precise and accurate. The entire text is arranged in such a way that the students can perceive the knowledge very easily. For creating more interest of Physical Geography among the students, large number of illustrations and examples are taken from the Country and from the local areas. At the end of every chapter large number of objective and long answered questions are given. For the selfstudies of the students these exercises will become helpful.
    Physical Geography is studied in all the universities and even it is a subject for M. P. S. C., NET, SET examinations. We hope the present book will be helpful to the students preparing for such examinations.

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  • GG-101-102 | Physical Geography I – II

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | GG-101-102

    Geography is amongst the oldest earth science and much of the geographical work is actually the contribution made by different Greek scholars. The word geography was coined by Eratosthenes, a famous Greek scholar in third century B.C. Geography is actually a combination of two words ‘Geo’ means earth and ‘Graphy’ means to describe, hence if we look at the literal meaning of term geography then it stands for description of the earth surface.
    Lithosphere is solid rocky crust that covers the entire surface of the earth including thebottom of the oceans. Beneath the surface of the Earth there are distinct layers, somewhat comparable to that of an onion. These layers are divided based on various characteristics including density, mineralogy and geochemistry. The outermost layer is known as the ‘lithosphere’ coming from the Ancient Greek ‘lithos’, meaning ‘rocky’. This layer is defined by its mechanical properties; being rigid and non-viscous, it is separated from the underlying layer by a specific rheological boundary
    The earth crust is a habitat to a variety of living organisms in the biosphere ecosystem. Different reliefs like mountains, hills plains etc are created on the earth surface by endogenetic forces which introduce diversity in the habitats. The exogenetic forces originates from the atmosphere in form of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen etc giving rise to different kind of climate’s on earth surface. These forces also help in circulation and exchange of heat between the atmosphere and earth surface and on formation of different landforms by various denudational works on one hand and diversity in the habitats formed by endogenetic forces on the other.
    A landscape is part of the Earth’s surface that can be viewed at one time from one place. It consists of the geographic features that mark, or are characteristic of, a particular area. Landscaping is a complicated endeavor that requires one to be knowledgeable and skilled in various disciplines. The land surrounding a home is the canvas, and it is the landscaper’s job to turn that into something spectacular. A natural landscape is made up of a collection of landforms, such as mountains, hills, plans, and plateaus, Lakes, streams, soils (such as sand or clay), and natural vegetation are other features of natural landscapes. Surface processes comprise the action of water, wind, ice, fire, and living things on the surface of the Earth, along with chemical reactions that form soils and alter material properties, the stability and rate of change of topography under the force of gravity, and other factors, such as (in the very recent past) human alteration of the landscape.
    It is our pleasure to present this book Introduction to Lithosphere to the student of the F.Y.B.Sc. and teachers from different universities especially for KBC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. The teachers will find lot of deficiencies in this book which are made according to new syllabus.

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  • GG-103-203 | Practical Geography

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I-II | GG-103-203
    GG-103 : Cartographic Techniques
    GG-203 : Map Projection

    Cartography is a technique that is primary concerned with the reduction of the spatial characteristic of a large area- a portion or all of the earth or another celestial body and putting it in a form that makes it observable. Just the way spoken and written language allows people to communicate beyond the restriction of having to point to everything, a map also allows us to extend the normal range of vision, so to speak and makes it possible for us to see the larger spatial relations that exist over large areas.
    The field cartography has changed enormously during the past four decades, primarily because of the widespread availability of computers. Computers have made for new symbolization, such as dynamic (that is, animated) maps, customized maps for individual users and interactive maps. They have also made possible new methods for scientific visualization and spatial data analysis.
    A graph that uses points and lines to represent change over time is defined as a line graph. In other words, it is the chart that shows a line joining multiple points or a line that shows the link between the points.
    In order that the facts conveyed by a large number of figures may be grasped clearly and quickly, we resort to representing them by geometric figures and curves called diagrams. Thus a diagram is a drawing which expresses the relationship between quantities. Diagrams are used as aids in understanding the facts represented by statistical data clearly and quickly at a glance. The diagrams representing statistical data are known as statistical diagrams.
    Map projection is the method of transferring the graticule of latitude and longitude on a plane surface. It can also be defined as the transformation of spherical network of parallels and meridians on a plane surface. As you know that, the earth on which we live in is not flat. It is geoid in shape like a sphere. A globe is the best model of the earth. Due to this property of the globe, the shape and sizes of the continents and oceans are accurately shown on it. It also shows the directions and distances very accurately.
    It is our pleasure to present this book practical geography to the student of F.Y.B.Sc and teachers from different universities especially for KBC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. The teachers will find lot of deficiencies in this book which are made according to new syllabus.

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  • GG-111 | Introduction to Physical Geography – I (Geomorphology)

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | GG-111
    Introduction to Physical Geography-I Geomorphology

    The present textbook is written on the syllabus of F. Y. B. Sc Semester I – The Introduction to Physical Geography I – Geomorphology. It gives us a great pleasure to hand over the book to the students and teachers. We hope students and teachers will welcome this book by heart. The entire book is prepared on computer. All figures in the book are drawn on computer by Prof. Kiran Gavit under the guidance of Prin Dr. S. R. Chaudhari, therefore, the book has become more illustrative and informative. Most of all important points are explained by figures. This is the special feature of this book. There are in all more than 100 figures. As the figures are drawn by the authors themselves, the content displayed in the figures is more precise and accurate. The entire text is arranged in such way that the students can perceive the knowledge of Geomorphology very easily. Another special feature of this book is the exercise given at the end of every chapter. In this part we have tried to ask large number of objective and long answered questions. This will help to the students for preparing themselves for examinations at all levels.

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  • GG-112 | Introduction to Physical Geography – II (Atmosphere and Hydrosphere)

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | GG-112
    Introduction to Physical Geography – II
    (Atmosphere and Hydrosphere)

    In September 2019 we have published the book ‘Introduction to Physical Geography I – Geomorphology.’ The students and the teachers have overwhelmingly accepted this book. Now we are publishing the second part of the book – ‘Introduction to Physical Geography’–‘Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.’ The present textbook is written on the syllabus of F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I of Savitribai Phule University of Pune. No doubt the book contains cent percent of F. Y. B. Sc. Geography syllabus, but it includes the text matter more than that of thesyllabus.
    It gives us a great pleasure to hand over the book to the students and teachers. We hope students and teachers will welcome this book by heart. The entire book is prepared on computer. All figures in the book are drawn on computer by Prof. Kiran Gavit under the guidance of Prin. Dr. S .R. Chaudhari, therefore, the book has become more illustrative and informative. Most of all important points are explained with the help of figures. This is the special feature of this book. There are in all more than 130 figures. As the figures are drawn by the authors themselves; the content displayed in the figures is more precise andaccurate.

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  • GG-201-202 | Physical Geography I-II

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | GG-201-202

    The textbook ‘Physical Geography’ is written for the students of F. Y. B.Sc. Sem. II. It gives us great pleasure to handover this textbook to the students and the teachers. We hope the students and teachers will welcome this book by heart. The entire book is prepared with the help of computer. All figures in the book are drawn by the authors themselves and therefore, the book has become more illustrative and informative. All concepts in the book are explained with the help of figures. This is its special feature. There are in all 85 figures. As the figures are drawn by the authors themselves, the content desplayed in the figures has become more precise and accurate. The entire text is arranged in such a way that the students can perceive the knowledge very easily. For creating more interest of Physical Geography among the students, large number of illustrations and examples are taken from the Country and from the local areas. At the end of every chapter large number of objective and long answered questions are given. For the selfstudies of the students these exercises will become helpful.
    Physical Geography is studied in all the universities and even it is a subject for M. P. S. C., NET, SET examinations. We hope the present book will be helpful to the students preparing for such examinations.

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  • GG-201-202 | Physical Geography I-II

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | GG-201-202
    GG – 201 : ATMOSPHERE
    GG – 202 : HDRYOSPHERE

    The atmosphere is of immense importance for the existence of the living organisms of the earth. The atmosphere safeguards the lives of living beings against the effect of harmful rays of the sun. Its gaseous elements like carbon dioxide rear the vegetation and oxygen safeguards the living creatures. The human activities on the surface of the earth helps to bring changes in the structure of the atmosphere, particularly large scale deforestation, industrial smoke, and burning of coal, mineral oil and the natural gas polluting the atmosphere. For the interest of the living beings of the earth, we should refrain ourselves from contaminating the atmosphere. So, we should have an idea about the structure of the atmosphere and how it works.
    According to the theory of hot origin of the earth in the beginning, the earth was a hot gaseous mass and the gases associated with the earth were also hot. Hence, they easily escaped from the earth and lost into the atmosphere. Thereafter, cooling and solidification of hot magma and formation of solid earth crust released several gases namely water vapour, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, ammonia etc. through the process of degassing.
    The Earth system comprises four spheres viz. the lithosphere (solid rocky part of Earth), atmosphere (air surrounding Earth), Hydrosphere (water part of Earth), and biosphere (living things). Thus, hydrosphere is one of the four spheres of Earth system. The water is present in all three phases: solid, liquid and gas. It is distributed among the ocean, glaciers and ice caps, groundwater, surface water and water in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor and clouds. The study of hydrosphere is utmost important for many purposes.
    The primary importance of the hydrosphere is that it contains water, which sustains a variety of life forms and plays an important role in regulating the atmosphere and surrounding ecosystems. The water is not only important for living organisms but also for several natural processes.The oceanic salinity not only affects the marine organisms and plant community but it also affects the physical properties of the oceans such as temperature, density, pressure, waves and currents etc.various aspects of oceanic body is elaborately explained in this book.
    It is our pleasure to present this book Introduction to lithosphere to the student of F.Y.B.Sc and teachers from different universities especially for KBC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. The teachers will find lot of deficiencies in this book which are made according to new syllabus.

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  • GG-232 | Geography of Maharashtra (Physical) – I

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | GG-232
    Geography of Maharashtra (Physical) – I

    Geography of Maharashtra (Physical) textbook has been written as much for those who have an interest in Geography, an inquiring mind and a concern for the future of the planet upon which we live. The text has been written as concisely as seemed practical in order to minimize the time needed for reading and note – taking.
    The textbook has been written according to the new syllabus in Geography prescribed by the Savitribai Phule Pune University based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to be implemented from academic year 2020-21. The textbook addresses the needs of not only the students offering geography at the undergraduate levels but also of those appearing in competitive examinations at national or state levels especially, civil services examinations. It is also useful for the students of other universities. The book provides total coverage of each point such as Physiography, Drainage, Climate, Soil, Natural Vegetation etc. of the syllabus on which the examination paper will be set. Furthermore, the questioning pattern followed is as per the Latest Specimen Paper issued by the University.

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  • GG-301 | Environmental Geography

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | GG-301
    Environmental Geography

    The study of Environmental Geography has got unprecedented importance in the recent times. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B. Sc. class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chuadhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It is also useful for the syllabi of other universities. This book is concerned with the experimental aspects and allied information which is the core part of studies in the subject.
    In the book Environmental Geography discussed Environmental approaches, human life in various regions, ecology, biodiversity, pollution, management etc. We hope discussion on them will be helpful for students, teachers and scholar researchers

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  • GG-302 | Physical Geography of Maharashtra

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | GG-302
    Physical Geography of Maharashtra

    The study of Geography has got unprecedented importance in the recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Areal Photography, Global Positioning System etc. are in much discussion today, still the study of Regional Geography is equally important for getting the regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B. Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    It is also useful for the syllabi of other universities as well as in the new syllabi of examinations to be conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, the present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Physical Geography of Maharashtra. This book contains the information regarding the Geographical Personality, Physiography, Drainage, Climate, Soil, Natural Vegetation etc.

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  • GG-303-403 | Practical Geography

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-303-403
    Practical Geography

    The study of Practical Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Practical Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B.Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Practical Geography. This book contains the information regarding Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc.

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  • GG-401 | Human Geography

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-401
    Human Geography

    This book is especially prepared for the students of Second Year B.Sc. (CBCS) of K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It is also useful for the syllabi of other universities as well as in the new syllabi of examinations to be conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, the present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Human Geography. This book has covered most of the aspects related to Human Geography such as Human race, Population and Settlements. Most of the models and theories related to population have been explained. Numbers of tables and maps have been used to explain various aspects of human geography.


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  • GG-402 | Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-402
    Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra

    The study of Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Areal Photography, Global Positioning System etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Regional Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B. Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Socio-economic Geography of Maharashtra. This book contains the information regarding Population, Agriculture, Minerals and Energy Resources, Industries, Trade and Transportation etc.

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  • Wild Flowers of Jalgaon District

    From Climbers to Grasses, this is the first comprehensive efforts giving concise and pictorial documentation of major floral diversity of Jalgaon district. This field guide will be an invaluable resource material and best companion for those who wish to explore the biodiversity of Jalgaon District.

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  • Wildlife of Jalgaon District

    From Insect to Mammals, this is the first comprehensive efforts giving conccise and pictorial documentation of major faunal diversity of Jalgoan district. This field guide will be an invaluable resource material and best companion for those who wish to explore the biodiversity of Jalgaon district.

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  • आपत्ती जोखीम निवारण

    विद्यार्थी आणि शिक्षकवर्गासाठी सुनियोजित ज्ञानसंग्रह म्हणून या आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन ग्रंथाची मांडणी करण्याचा प्रयत्न केलेला आहे. यामध्ये आपत्ती जोखीम मूल्यमापन – संकट/आपत्ती संकल्पना, जोखीम, असुरक्षितता आणि आपत्ती, आपत्ती जोखीमेचे मुल्यांकन, भारतातील आपत्ती-पूर, दुष्काळ, भूकंप आणि चक्रवात, मानव निर्मित आपत्ती, आपत्ती जोखीम किमानता मार्ग, आपत्ती शमन व प्रतिबंध आपत्ती शमन व प्रतिबंध, आपत्ती धोका व्यवस्थापन योजना अंमलबजावणी दूर संवेदनाची भूमिका इत्यादी घटकांची सविस्तर मिमांसा केलेली आहे. स्वतःच्या जीविताचे रक्षण करतानाच इतरांच्या जीविताचे रक्षण कसे करता येईल याचसाठी आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन अत्यावश्यक झालेले आहे. प्राणीहानी बरोबरच वित्तहानी थांबवून विकास प्रक्रिया गतिमान करण्यासाठी, तुम्हा, आम्हा सर्वांसाठी हे आपत्ती जोखीम कपात!

    Aapatti Jokhim Kapat

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  • आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन

    Apatti Vyavasthapan

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  • आपत्ती व्यवस्थापनाचा भूगोल

    Aapati Vyasthapanach Bhugol

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  • आपत्ती व्यवस्थापनाचा भूगोल

    ‌‘आपत्ती व्यवस्थापनाचा भूगोल’ या ग्रंथात आपत्ती व्यवस्थापनातील संकल्पना, आपत्ती आणि संकट : ओळख, आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन आणि उपाययोजना, हवामानविषयक आपत्ती आणि व्यवस्थापन, भूगर्भीय व भूरूपशास्त्रीय आपत्ती आणि व्यवस्थापन, मानवनिर्मित आपत्ती आणि व्यवस्थापन, जागतिक समस्यांचा अभ्यास, आपत्ती घटनांचा अभ्यास या विविध घटकांची विस्तृत माहिती दिली आहे. पर्यावरणीय संकल्पनाचे आकलन सुलभ व्हावे म्हणून विविध आकृत्या, नवीन संकल्पना, तक्ते, नवीन संज्ञा सदर पुस्तकात अत्यंत सोप्या व सुलभ भाषेत मांडण्याचा प्रामाणिक प्रयत्न केला आहे. त्यासाठी वेगवेगळी संदर्भ ग्रंथ, नियतकालिके, इंटरनेटवरील माहिती, वृत्तपत्रीय कात्रणे इत्यादींचा वापर केला आहे. सदरचे पुस्तक सद्यकालीन पर्यावरणीय घटकांवर आधारित असल्याने विविध स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षांना तसेच नेट/सेट परीक्षांनाही उपयोगी ठरेल असा प्रयत्न आहे.

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  • आरोग्य भूगोलशास्त्र

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  • आर्थिक भूगोल

    मानवाच्या आर्थिक क्रिया आणि मानवाच्या सभोवतालची परिस्थिती यांचा सविस्तर अभ्यास आर्थिक भूगोल या शाखेमध्ये केला जातो. मानव हा घटक पर्यावरणाची निर्मिती तर संसाधने ही पर्यावरणाची वैशिष्ठ्ये आहेत. अर्थशास्त्रातील उत्पादन, उपभोग, विनिमय आणि वितरण या घटकांवर प्राकृतिक पर्यावरणाचा सतत परिणाम होत असतो. वस्तू उत्पादन, वस्तूंचा उपभोग आणि त्या निर्मित वस्तूंचा विनिमय याबरोबरच आर्थिक-सामाजिक आणि बौद्धिक गरजांच्या पुर्ततेसाठी आवश्यक असलेल्या वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या सेवा सुविधा अशा सर्वांचा समावेश मानवी आर्थिक क्रियांमध्ये केला जातो. प्रस्तुत पुस्तकात आर्थिक भूगोलाचा परिचय, अभ्यास पद्धती, विविध शास्त्रांशी असलेले संबंध, विविध आर्थिक क्रिया, जगातील संसाधने, भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था, शेती, वाहतूक, व्यापार, उद्योगधंदे, कारखानदारी, प्रादेशिक विकास, ग्रामीण विकास या विविध मुद्द्यांचे सर्वांगिण विवेचन केले आहे.

    Arthik Bhugol

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  • आर्थिक भूगोल

    ‘आर्थिक भूगोल’ ही मानवी भूगोलाची एक महत्वाची शाखा असून भूगोलशास्त्राच्या अभ्यासात या ज्ञानशाखेच्या अध्ययन-अध्यापनास अनन्य साधारण महत्व आहे. बदलत्या परिस्थितीत विविध उपक्रमांचे आर्थिक नियोजन करणे हा आर्थिक भूगोलाचा महत्त्वाचा उद्देश आहे. एखाद्या भूभागाची प्रगती व विकास नेहमीच सुबध्द नियोजनाव्दारेच घडून येतो. आपल्या देशाचा विकास करायचा असेल तर, आपण आपल्या उपलब्ध साधनसामग्रीचा आढावा घेणे गरजेचे असते. आपण कोणत्या उत्पादनांमध्ये सक्षम आहोत व कोठे कमी पडतो? यावर विचार करणे आवश्यक आहे. त्यानुसार विकासाची दिशा ठरविण्यास मदत होते. साधनसंपत्तीचा अंदाज व्यक्त करण्यासाठी आर्थिक भूगोलाचा उपयोग होऊ शकतो. सर्वसाधारणपणे विविध मार्गाद्वारे उपाय योजून, मानव स्वत:च्या आर्थिक, सामाजिक व बौद्धिक गरजा भागवितो त्यास आर्थिक क्रिया असे म्हणतात.
    उद्योगधंद्यांच्या स्थानिकीकरणावर विविध प्रकारच्या प्राकृतिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, आर्थिक व राजकीय घटकांचा परिणाम होतो. या घटकांचे प्रमाण व स्वरूप सर्वदूर सारखे आढळत नाही. परिणामी उद्योगधंद्यांचा विकास सर्वदूर सारखा झालेला दिसून येत नाही. उद्योगधंद्यांच्या स्थानावर परिणाम करणार्‍या या विविध घटकांचा पद्धतशीर अभ्यास करून जर्मन अर्थशास्त्रज्ञ ऑल्फ्रेड वेबर यांनी 1909 मध्ये उद्योगधंद्यांच्या स्थानिकीकरणाच्या बाबतीत एक महत्त्वपूर्ण सिद्धांत मांडला. त्यास ‘ऑल्फ्रेड वेबरचा सिद्धांत’ असे म्हणतात. कोणताही उद्योग उभारतांना किमान उत्पादन खर्च लागेल असे स्थान शोधण्यासाठी हा सिद्धांत अतिशय उपयुक्त आहे. त्यामुळे या सिद्धांतास ’ङशरीीं उेीीं चेवशश्र’ म्हणूनही संबोधले जाते. देशाचा आर्थिक विकास त्या देशातील उपलब्ध खनिजसपंत्तीवर आणि उद्योगधंद्यांच्या विकासावर अवलंबून असतो.

    Arthik Bhugol

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  • औद्योगिक भूगोल

    पृथ्वीच्या विविध भागात आढळणार्‍या साधन संपदा, त्यांचा विनियोग व औद्योगिक विकास यांच्या बदलानुसार कारखानदारीचे स्वरूप व व्याप्ती बदलते. पूर्वीच्या काळात उद्योगावर प्रामुख्याने स्थानबद्ध घटकांचा जास्त प्रभाव होता परंतु आजच्या काळात स्थानबद्ध घटकाबरोबरच जास्त प्रभाव अस्थायी घटकांचा परिणाम उद्योगांच्या स्थान व विकासावर होत आहे. जसे मुंबई शहरात आर्द्र हवामान असल्याने कापसाचा लांब धागा निघतो त्यामुळे सुती कापड गिरण्याचे केंद्रीकरण झालेले होते. परंतु आता मानवनिर्मित कृत्रिम हवामान निर्मिती तंत्रज्ञान प्रगत झाल्याने मुंबईतील सुती कापड उद्योग महाराष्ट्रातील अंतर्गत भागातील नाशिक, औरंगाबाद, पुणे, सोलापूर, इचलकरंजी, मालेगाव या शहरात स्थलांतरीत होत आहे. त्यामुळे औद्योगिक भूगोलाचे स्वरूप स्थलात कालपरत्वे बदलत आहे. त्यामुळेच औद्योगिक भूगोलाला गतीमान शाखा मानले जाते.

    मानवाच्या सामाजिक विकासाबरोबरच आर्थिक विकासाचे महत्व आहे. आर्थिक विकासात औद्योगिक विकास व भूगोल यांचे महत्वाचे योगदान आहेत. सदरीलपुस्तकात अद्ययावत आकडेवारी, महत्त्वाचे मुद्दे, अवलोकन होण्यासाठी नकाशा, आकृत्या, तक्ते, चित्रांचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे. विविध विद्यापीठातील पदवी, पदव्युत्तर व स्पर्धा परिक्षांसाठी पुस्तक उपयुक्त आहे.

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  • औद्योगिक भूगोल

    Audhyogik Bhugol

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