• Introduction to the Study of Literature

    ‘Introduction to the Study of Literature’ is an enquiry into the various aspects of literature. Here the focus is on the features, functions and forms of literature. With this, the study of stylistic devices generally used in literature are also of equal importance. This work is important from technical point of view. Here most of the major and minor forms of literature are taken into consideration. With this, historical development of each of the goners is stressed out.
    Overall, literature gives us a unique experience of slices of life, real or imaginary, spread across the centuries scattered among different cultures and civilizations. It gives us various shades of the very existence of man on the planet. Present work is a small effort at the primary level optimistically hoped to be helpful to the students appearing for various examinations, teachers and general readers of literature.

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  • Karna and Selected Stories

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  • Law and Society Crime Against Women in India

    In my initial year of practice in court, I witnessed many cases in which women were victimised and I found in numerous situations though not at fault women fell prey to criminal.
    India has strong constitutional foundation to empower women and has enough laws to protect her, but still women right to life and dignity is continuously being violated.
    Therefore, this book is an attempt to explore the main components responsible for increased crime against women, along with legal aspect it has covered dimensional issues which everyone can relate.
    This book explains various laws made to protect women and deals with the distinct forms of crimes which are frequently committed against women, and to help ameliorate this national problem, law must be contravently used to control the same, It also encompasses requisite need to make various combating measures to tackle the present situation and for proper responding to crime against women, which can ensure women safety, with the role of judiciary to expand the dimension toward safety of woman, the book also incorporate the genuine requirement of correct societal behavior towards women, embracing respect and diversity for women, as women are left on streets to suffer while the world watches in silence and with indifference and therefore the society needs to inculcate respect for women.

    The book is in simple and influential words. Every page is thought provoking and relates to the actual condition of justice in crime against women in our society.

    – Adv. Rajesh S. Uppadhay

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  • Literary Criticism and Theory in the Twentieth Century

    ‘Criticism’ or more specifically literary criticism, is the overall term for studies concerned with defining, classifying. Analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating works of literature. Theoretical criticism proposes an explicit theory of literature, in the sense of general principles, together with a set of terms, distinctions, and categories, to be applied to identifying and analyzing works of literature, as well as the criteria (the standards or norms) by which these works and their writers are to be evaluated.
    ‘Literary Criticism and Theory in the Twentieth Century’ is a work that tries to shade light on and take a review of the developments that took place in the field of major theories in literary criticism all over the world.

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  • Mastering Life Skills and Life Values

    Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life. They include creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, the ability to communicate and collaborate, along with personal and social responsibility that contribute to good citizenship – all essential skills for success in the 21st century, both for healthy societies and for successful and employable individuals.

    – British Council

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  • Methods of Teaching English

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  • Modern English Grammar

    Modern English Grammar and Usage studies the Modern ways of learning grammar and correct usages that are in practice of the native English speakers. The present work discusses the general aspects, concepts and facts related to the study of grammar. Modern English Grammar and usage are to be studied under the light of modern developments that took place in the area of language studies. Particularly it is necessary to see the efforts that were taken by modern linguists to impart a scientific dimension and apply the type of methods so as to develop a theoretical setup for the study of language. A review of these efforts is taken in the present work. Without structuralists’ view and Chomsky’s efforts one cannot go a step ahead in the direction of studies in Modern English Gr Modern English Grammar and Usage studies the Modern ways of learning grammar and correct usages that are in practice of the native English speakers. The present work discusses the general aspects, concepts and facts related to the study of grammar. Modern English Grammar and usage are to be studied under the light of modern developments that took place in the area of language studies. Particularly it is necessary to see the efforts that were taken by modern linguists to impart a scientific dimension and apply the type of methods so as to develop a theoretical setup for the study of language. A review of these efforts is taken in the present work. Without structuralists’ view and Chomsky’s efforts one cannot go a step ahead in the direction of studies in Modern English Grammar and Usage.
    The present work largely strives to describe the structure of a sentence. The lessons are based on what is called as Transformational Generative Grammar.
    The sources used for the present work are the material published by the then CIEFL, Hyderabad, in 1987. The material is still useful for the study of English Language, grammar and overall fields related to linguistics. ammar and Usage.
    The present work largely strives to describe the structure of a sentence. The lessons are based on what is called as Transformational Generative Grammar.
    The sources used for the present work are the material published by the then CIEFL, Hyderabad, in 1987. The material is still useful for the study of English Language, grammar and overall fields related to linguistics.

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  • My A to Z Phonics Book

    Special Features :

    • Phonic Sounds Rules
    • Short Vowels
    • Long Vowels
    • R Controlled Vowels
    • Diagraps Sounds
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  • Poetry and Poetic Devices

    As we know English is a World’s global language, and it is the most spoken language in the World. Today it dominates in every field. It’s popularity is increasing day by day in this era of science and technology.
    We feel great pleasure in presenting this book ‘Poetry’ to the readers. We are sure you will feel happy to read this book. This book is suitable for teachers, students and learners. Teachers will be enlightened about What poetry is? And how to teach it to the students.
    Students will get information about poetry and poetic devices through this book.
    ”Poetry is a type of literature that aims to evoke as emotional response. According to Shakespeare, ”Poetry means the art which uses words as both speech and song to reveal.” ‘Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.’

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  • Professional Communication

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  • Reading Literature : Short Stories and Poems

    “The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in.”

    – Harold Goddard

    “Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.”

    – Matthew Arnold

    “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”

    – Robert Frost

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  • Research Methodology

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  • Research Methodology for Business

    The present reference book has been written with the objective to enable researchers in developing the appropriate methodology for their research studies. The book will also make them familiar with the art of using different research methods and techniques.
    Regarding the organization, the book consists of four broad chapters. Chapter one is about Introduction of Business Research, which includes the conceptual background of research, business research and research methodology. Chapter two has been exclusively devoted to concept of Research Problem, Hypothesis, Research Design and its related aspects. Chapter three explains the details of data collection, measurement, scaling and processing of data. It also consists of the detailed aspects of classification, tabulation analysis and interpretation of information. Chapter four dwells on various aspects of research report, mode of citation and bibliography.
    The new concepts in research methodology such as plagiarism, role of computers in research, application of statistical tools etc. are explained in understandable manner. Each chapter cover outline at the beginning which will give the brief idea of the topics covered in the chapter. The topics are arranged in numbered paragraphs. Detailed question bank at the end of each chapter is included. The efforts are made to include the authentic and latest material on this subject.

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  • Shobhaa De’s Female Characters :

    Shobhaa De depicts pathetic predicament of postmodern women in her novels. The present study revolves around the theme of socialite society and the conflict of postmodern women in Ms. De’s select nine novels entitled : Socialite Evenings, Starry Nights, Sisters, Strange Obsession, Snapshots, Second Thoughts, S’s Secret, Sethji and Shrilaaji. It is observed that Ms. De’s female characters suffer from neurotic disorder. So, it becomes difficult to understand psyche of these characters. This book is an effort to interpret Ms. De’s female characters with the help of psychoanalytical theory so as to make the select novels easy for better understanding. Psychoanalytical theory helps to understand Ms. De’s female characters.

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  • Soft Skills Development

    Soft Skills, a buzz word today that has attracted the attention of students, professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world. Employability, being the major concern today, every individual aims at getting coveted jobs. Employability today is commensurate with proving multiple skills in varied situations in a fast changing Business world. Hence, everyone aspiring for jobs today has to prove one’s mettle in various situations where one requires to be armed with different skills, which, collectively come under Soft Skills. One may be armed with good competence of one’s subject but one cannot compete with his peer groups unless one has the potential of performance. Performance can be ensured with the demonstration of certain abilities that can help a professional communicate, corroborate, convince, evaluate and look into the continuing as well as the upcoming trends of the corporate world from time to time. Soft Skill – Those defined as attitudes and behaviors that relate to critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and presentation skill this will not only help student to get job in the career he or she aspires to, they are essentials to long success in the workplace.

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  • Sweet Moments with Angels

    Children of today will be adults of tomorrow. They are the creators and shapers of the nation. The quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that beckons the nation. Mandatory every nation and every society must nurture a strong healthy and intellectual youth. These youth has to be trained to use their talents and abilities in constructive ways and help in nations building and strengthening economically. The best way to engage the youth into playing a constructive role is to educate them with proper training in the desired direction.

    “A child must know that he is miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”

    – Pablo Casals

    “Children’s are the seeds to be nurtured with care and love and so the plant will grow.”

    – Sapna Rawlani

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  • Teaching of English (Classroom Practices)

    A need to review and redesign the B.Ed. syllabus was felt as NCF-2005 expects the teacher to look at school education in a holistic manner. It advocates learner-centred learning rather than teacher-centred teaching. Teacher’s attitude, aptitude and motivation play an important role because the teacher needs to engage with the learning process of the learner. Teacher as a facilitator helps learners construct their knowledge. The teacher should be able to participate meaningfully to transact the syllabus and textbooks effectively along with teaching-learning materials. Therefore, the teacher should be well-versed not only with the subject content but also with the pedagogy of learning.

    English is a foreign language for Indian students and to teach English to them is a tedious job. To make this language clear to the students, a sound knowledge of pedagogy is essential. In this book the latest trends and practices in teaching all the four English language skills, adequate coverage of the syllabus of many unviersities, suitability of classroom strategies, linguistic system, pedagogical aspects, aspects of teaching English, innovative learning resources, pedagogical analysis, creative form of English language, skills in English literary form, support services, social networking, pedagogical analysis, planning, evaluation, assessment and different types of lesson plans and learning plans extensive use of examples and lucid presentation – are some of the distinguished features of this book.

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  • The Study of English Language

    The Study of English Language is keenly associated with the studies in Humanities. So, it is most commonly prescribed for both Undergraduate and Post Graduate students at special and general levels. The branch of knowledge that studies language scientifically is called as linguistics. It is an ever expanding field having both basic and applied dimensions and it is playing an important role with the help of disciplines like law, engineering, medical sciences and so on. It means advanced studies in linguistics have undertaken the study of linguistic terminology used in these fields. With this it is proved to be helpful in building up of syllabi for various levels of studies from primary to higher education. Besides this, the area of language studies is helpful for the students to prepare for various short term courses, competitive examination, and first year of various degree courses and development of general awareness of use of language. Research and application of theories in linguistics are proved to helpful in the fields of forensic investigation, computer science and discourse analysis. It all shows that in order to enrich knowledge and its application our society needs expertise from linguistic science. Though the above discussed are the directions for the further scope of advanced learning in linguistic science the basic aspects of language are mostly ignored by learners, particularly at the primary level, perhaps, because of lack of interest, unavailability of material or lack of time. Generally we find that sub-topics under the area or the necessary material required for preparations is scattered across various authentic sources. Taking into consideration this fact and the need of teachers and students regarding collective availability of material, the present work tries to bring together and focus on various aspects of English language studies.

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  • The Theory of Novel

    In human society, the impact of literature is undeniable; since literature acts as a form of expression for each individual author. All books hold mirror upto society and allow us to better understanding of the world we live in. Literature is important to us as it teaches the universal human experience. It also provides different meanings to different people, or teaches different lessons to the same person at different stages of his life. The novel is one of the major forms of literature which generally deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting. It is a genre of fiction and fiction may be defined as a form of art. It is not a short story in prose; instead, it is actually an extensive and illustrated account series of events that happened right through the life of a character. By studying and appreciating novel, the students can develop their interpretative abilities and enhance their analytical skill.

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  • Twentieth Century English Literature

    ‘Twentieth Century English Literature’ is a work spread across five chapters dealing with Modern English Literature. Under the study the major genres of poetry, drama and novel and criticism have been dealt with. It is the aim that the students should go through the studies of recent developments that have taken places; not only in the field of literature but also learn about the social, political and economic influences operating on literary experimentations and reactions of the writers of the time. It is because these influences serve as the background to all the genres of English literature. Individual elements of these literary forms; their specific features and some of the streams in literature of the time have been covered for the learners at the special level of English Language and Literature Learning. Here the focus is on the literary specimens and the major contributors to the literature of the modern age.
    The present work strives to make the picture clear regarding historical / literary background for the students. Accordingly, first and foremost, literary developments in all the genres have been focused on in general sense of time in which it is produced and the writers who shaped this literary period.

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  • Unilized English Grammar with Writing Skills


    • Details study of parts of Speech is given.
    • Examples are given related to our real life.
    • Sentence structure is explained with tables, charts and numerous examples.
    • Comprehended exercise for practice are given.
    • Answer key is provided.
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  • Waste Management

    The Present book is an attempt to dicuss important aspects of the waste management & it is an attempt to provide the readers a simple and easy to understand text material to educate tem about their wasting. Waste management increases public awareness and knowledge of waste issues and challenges.
    In the book Waste Management the issues discussed are Components of Municipal Solid Waste, Solid Waste Management, Waste Treatment / Management and Recycling, Reuse and Recycling of Non-Biodegradable Solid Waste, Pollution Prevention and Waste Management, Waste Water Management, Disposal of radioactive, Waste or royal waste, Protection and control from radiation, Eco friendly plastic fuel. Various Aspects related to these issues are of key importance, we hope discussion on them will be helpful for students, teachers and scholar researchers.

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  • Women in the Novels of Thomas Hardy

    The social and political ethos in the Victorian period makes it clear that the lives of women were insecure unlike men. Their role was always considered to be subsidiary and they were more often than not oppressed and denied their fundamental rights. Though it was an age of progress, women were omitted from these progressive stages. Women were expected to be the machines of producing children and rearing them up and look after the home and the hearth. They were even kept away from the educational development. In the period when all the doors were closed on the woman by the conventions, it was quite difficult for a writer like Thomas Hardy to swim against the current to glorify the women in his novels. But having deep sympathy about women in his mind Hardy portrayed his women with great skill showing them bold, courageous, loving, socially and psychologically conscious.

    The present book aims at studying Hardy’s daring of portrayal of his women characters with different qualities which were restricted to women in the Victorian age. It also aims to show his portrayal of their suffering due to the conventions and orthodox social laws along with his presentation of his women as rebel and New Women. The focus is also on his women characterization and their struggle for existence in the patriarchal society. Though he cannot be called a complete feminist writer, he had deep sympathy and sensibilities for them. The attempt is also made to show Hardy’s heroines of feminist qualities though ultimately they have to yield before the society. Nevertheless their efforts to become free and independent are noteworthy.

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