• BOT-401 | Plant Embryology

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | BOT-401
    Plant Embryology

    It gives us and publisher, a great pleasure and satisfaction to put this book in the hands of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This text has been written according to the new syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, which has been implemented from the academic year 2019-20. The book is primarily meant for S. Y. B. Sc. students of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    The writing of this book strongly influenced by the major purpose to help the students to understand the fundamental nature of Plant Embryology. This book covers all the aspects of Plant Embryology as per syllabus. It has been written in student friendly manner with efforts on making subject matter up to date and concise. We have tried our level best to bring out the quality text book with up to date information, sticking to syllabus. This matter has been augmented with suitable diagrams, illustrations. Each chapter is followed by objective questions, short answer questions and long answer questions. Model question paper is given at the end. We hence, believe that students of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany will certainly like and appreciate this book. Though extreme care has been taken while writing, editing and proof reading of the book, some mistakes might have crept into the book. The teachers and the taught are requested to point out such mistakes to us. It will be highly appreciated.

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  • BOT-402 | Plant Metabolism

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | BOT-402
    Plant Metabolism

    It gives us and publisher, a great pleasure and satisfaction to put this book in the hands of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This text has been written according to the new syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, which has been implemented from the academic year 2019-20. The book is primarily meant for S. Y. B. Sc. students of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    The writing of this book strongly influenced by the major purpose to help the students to understand the fundamentals of Plant metabolsim. This book covers all the aspects of Plant Metabolism as per syllabus. It has been written in student friendly manner with efforts on making subject matter up to date and concise. We have tried our level best to bring out the quality text book with up to date information, sticking to syllabus. This matter has been augmented with suitable diagrams, illustrations. Each chapter is followed by objective questions, short answer questions and long answer questions. Glossary and model question paper are given at the end. We hence, believe that students of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany will certainly like and appreciate this book. Though extreme care has been taken while writing, editing and proof reading of the book, some mistakes might have crept into the book. The teachers and the taught are requested to point out such mistakes to us. It will be highly appreciated.

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  • BOT-403 | Practical Botany

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | BOT-403
    Practical Botany
    (Plant embryology and Plant metabolism)

    We feel delighted in presenting the revised “A Text Book of Practical Botany” for S. Y. B. Sc. students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practicals based on
    (BOT- 401 AND 402) prescribed by B.O.S. in Botany, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.
    We acknowledge with gratitude the kind of help and encouragement that received in the preparation of this book from many of our collegues. The healthy suggestions and critisms from all corners of university are invited for subsequent edition.

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  • BOT-404 | Nursery and Gardening

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | BOT-404
    Nursery and Gardening

    It gives us and publisher, a great pleasure and satisfaction to put this book in the hands of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This text has been written according to the new syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, which has been implemented from the academic year 2019-20. The book is primarily meant for S. Y. B. Sc. students of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    The writing of this book strongly influenced by the major purpose to help the students to understand the fundamental nature of Nursery and Gardening. This book covers all the aspects of Nursery and Gardening as per syllabus. It has been written in student friendly manner with efforts on making subject matter up to date and concise. We have tried our level best to bring out the quality text book with up to date information, sticking to syllabus. This matter has been augmented with suitable diagrams, illustrations. Each chapter is followed by objective questions, short answer questions and long answer questions. Glossary and model question paper are given at the end. We hence, believe that students of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany will certainly like and appreciate this book. Though extreme care has been taken while writing, editing and proof reading of the book, some mistakes might have crept into the book. The teachers and the taught are requested to point out such mistakes to us. It will be highly appreciated.

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  • CH-303-403 | Practical Chemistry

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III-IV | CH-303-404
    Practical Chemistry

    We are very glad to present this book on “Practical Chemistry’’ in the hands of S.Y.B.Sc. students. The book is strictly written according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Chemistry, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year B.Sc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. The book will help students performing experiments in effective way. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.

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  • CH-401 | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CH-401
    Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

    We are very glad to present this book on “Physical and Inorganic Chemistry’’ of semester – II in the hands of S.Y.B.Sc. students. The book is strictly written according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Chemistry, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year B.Sc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types and numericals are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.


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  • CH-402 | Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CH-402
    Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

    We are very glad to present this book on “Organic and Inorganic Chemistry’’ of semester – II in the hands of S.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers. The book is strictly written according to the CBCS pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Chemistry, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year B.Sc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.

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  • CH-404 | Advanced Analytical Chemistry (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CH-404
    Advanced Analytical Chemistry (SEC)

    We are very glad to present this book on “Advanced Analytical Chemistry’’ of semester – II in the hands of S.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers. The book is strictly written according to the CBCS pattern syllabus framed by the board of studies in Chemistry, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year B.Sc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.


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  • CS-401 | Data Structure – II

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CS-401
    Data Structure – II

    Data Structure – II is a simple version for S.Y.B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE and IT students of our Prashant Publication, Jalgaon. This text is in accordance with the new Syllabus recommended by the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgoan, which has been serving the needs of S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science students of various colleges. This text is also useful for the students of B.Sc. (Information Technology), B.C.A., B.B.M., M.B.A., M.B.M. and other computer courses.

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  • CS-402 | Programming in C++ – II

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CS-402
    Programming in C++ – II

    C++ is a simple version for S.Y.B.Sc. [COMPUTER SCIENCE] students of our Prashant Publication. This text is in accordance with the new syllabus recommended by the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.,which has been serving the need of S.Y. B.Sc. Computer Science students of various colleges. This text is also useful for the student of B.Sc.(Information Technology), B.C.A.,B.B.M.,M.B.M. & other different Computer courses.

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  • CS-404 | Network Security (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | CS-404
    Network Security (SEC)

    Network Security (SKILL based subject as per CBCS Pattern) a simple version for S.Y.B.Sc. [COMPUTER SCIENCE & IT] students of our Prashant Publication. This text is in accordance with the new syllabus recommended by the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.,which has been serving the need of S.Y. B.Sc. Computer Science students of various colleges. This text is also useful for the student of B.C.A., B.B.M., M.B.M. and other different Computer courses.

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  • ELE-401 | Digital Communication

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ELE-401
    Digital Communication

    We are very glad to present the book “ELE– 401: Digital Communication’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Electronics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.
    This book is an ideal for any science student or engineering students who wishes to study the subject from its basic principles as well as serving as a guide to more advanced topics for readers of Digital Communication.

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  • ELE-402 | Microcontrollers and Applications

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ELE-402
    Microcontrollers and Applications

    We are very glad to present the book “ELE– 402: Microcontrollers and Applications’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Electronics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.
    This book is an ideal for any science student or engineering students who wishes to study the subject from its basic principles as well as serving as a guide to more advanced topics for readers of Microcontrollers and applications.

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  • GG-303-403 | Practical Geography

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-303-403
    Practical Geography

    The study of Practical Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Practical Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B.Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Practical Geography. This book contains the information regarding Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc.

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  • GG-401 | Human Geography

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-401
    Human Geography

    This book is especially prepared for the students of Second Year B.Sc. (CBCS) of K.B.C. North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It is also useful for the syllabi of other universities as well as in the new syllabi of examinations to be conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, the present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Human Geography. This book has covered most of the aspects related to Human Geography such as Human race, Population and Settlements. Most of the models and theories related to population have been explained. Numbers of tables and maps have been used to explain various aspects of human geography.


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  • GG-402 | Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-402
    Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra

    The study of Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Areal Photography, Global Positioning System etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Regional Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B. Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Socio-economic Geography of Maharashtra. This book contains the information regarding Population, Agriculture, Minerals and Energy Resources, Industries, Trade and Transportation etc.

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  • MB-401-402 | Genetics and Immunology | Basic Industrial Microbiology

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-401
    MB-401 : Genetics and Immunology
    MB-402 : Basic Industrial Microbiology

    Microbiology involves the study of the fascinating world of unicellular microscopic organisms which includes both eukaryotic organisms such as fungi and protists, as well as prokaryotic organisms viz. bacteria, viruses, etc. While microorganisms are often viewed negatively due to their involvement in many diseases, they are also responsible for many beneficial processes such as industrial fermentation, antibiotic production and as the vehicles for cloning in higher organisms. They are also exploited to produce many commercially viable enzymes, proteins, vitamins, growth factors, etc. They benefit our environment in many ways such as their role in biodegradation or bioremediation of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes.
    Microbiology is a broad and multifaceted discipline that encompasses many specialized areas. The knowledge of microbiology has expanded a lot in recent years and this subject has been included in the syllabi of many universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
    It gives a sense of satisfaction to the authors to bring out this textbook for Second Year B.Sc Choice Based Credit System syllabus as prescribed by Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon as per the guidelines U.G.C. This book has two theory papers MB 401 – Genetics and Immunology & MB 402 – Basic Industrial Microbiology. Authors have made a sincere attempt to provide the students with a basic guideline for study and also gain knowledge of the subject. The book is merely an outcome of the compilation of microbiology literature and research done by various scientists in different areas of microbiology. The primary interest of the authors is to present the subject matter with simplicity and clarity, good examples added with good figures.


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  • MTH-402 (A) | Differential Equations

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-402 (A)
    Differential Equations

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 402(A) – Differential Equations which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-402 (B) | Differential Equations and Numerical Methods

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-402 (B)
    Differential Equations and Numerical Methods

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 402(B) – Differential Equations and Numerical Methods which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.


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  • MTH-404 | Vector Calculus (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-404
    Vector Calculus (SEC)

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 404 (SEC) – Vector Calculus which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • PHY-401 | Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-401
    Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 401 : Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-402 | Optics and Lasers

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-402
    Optics and Lasers

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 402 : Optics and Lasers’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.


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  • PHY-403 | Practical Physics

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-403
    Practical Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 403 : PRACTICAL PHYSICS’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-404 & ELE-304 | Electrical Circuits and Network Skills

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-404 & ELE-304
    Electrical Circuits and Network Skills

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 404 (SEC) : ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND NETWORK SKILLS’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • ZOO-401 | Genetics with Practicals

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-401
    Genetics with Practicals

    We are very glad to present the book “Genetics’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly complied and written according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Zoology, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc (CBCS pattern) to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • ZOO-401 | Genetics with Practicals

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-401
    Genetics with Practicals

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S.Y.B.Sc., ZOO – 401 : Genetics which is implemented form June 2019.
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. The questions in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
    We are grateful to obliged Academic Book Publications and their entire team bringing out this book in time.
    Constructive suggestions and comments are welcome form students and colleagues for the improvement of this book.

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  • ZOO-402 | Evolutionary Biology with Practicals

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-402
    Evolutionary Biology with Practicals

    We are very glad to present the book “Evolutionary Biology’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly complied and written according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Zoology, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc (CBCS pattern) to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • ZOO-402 | Evolutionary Biology with Practicals

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-402
    Evolutionary Biology with Practicals

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S.Y.B.Sc., ZOO – 402 : Evolutionary Biology which is implemented form June 2019.
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. The questions in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
    We are grateful to obliged Academic Book Publications and their entire team bringing out this book in time.
    Constructive suggestions and comments are welcome form students and colleagues for the improvement of this book.

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  • ZOO-404 | Medical Diagnostics (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-404
    Medical Diagnostics (SEC)

    We are very glad to present the book “Medical Diagnostics’’ in the hands of SYBSc students for fair use. The book is strictly complied and arranged according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Zoology, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc (CBCS pattern) to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • ZOO-404 | Medical Diagnostics (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | ZOO-404
    Medical Diagnostics (SEC)

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S.Y.B.Sc., ZOO – 404 : Medical Diagnostics which is implemented form June 2019.
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. The questions in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
    We are grateful to obliged Academic Book Publications and their entire team bringing out this book in time.
    Constructive suggestions and comments are welcome form students and colleagues for the improvement of this book.

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  • कथारंग

    विज्ञान व तंत्रज्ञान विद्याशाखेतील विद्यार्थ्यांना विज्ञान कथा व विनोदी कथा अशा दोन कथाप्रकारांची ओळख करून देणारे सदर पुस्तक आहे. मानवी नातेसंबंध, मानवी मूल्ये यांपुढे विज्ञान-तंत्रज्ञानाच्या क्षेत्रातील अफाट प्रगतीने उभी केलेली आव्हाने विद्यार्थ्यांनी जाणून घ्यावीत आणि त्याबाबतची त्यांची जाण प्रगल्भ व्हावी या भूमिकेतून विज्ञान कथांची निवड करण्यात आली आहे. आभासी विश्वाच्या तात्कालिक भुलभुलैयात गुरफटल्यामुळे जगण्यातील समाधानाचे क्षण हातातून निसटत चालले आहेत. शब्द, वाक्य, भाषा, स्वभाव, वर्तन, व्यवहार अशा विविध स्तरांवरील गमत-जमती आज सापडेनाशा झाल्या आहेत. याचे भान विद्यार्थ्यांना यावे म्हणून विनोदाच्या निरनिराळ्या परी व्यक्त करणार्‍या निवडक विनोदी कथांचा समावेश सदर पुस्तकात करण्यात आला आहे. यासोबतच विज्ञानकोशासाठी नोंद लेखन आणि विज्ञानपर लघुलेख लेखन या उपयोजित घटकांची जोड येथे देण्यात आली आहे.


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