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FYBSc Semester I

BOT-103 | Practical Botany

F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | BOTANY

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F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | BOT-103
Practical Botany

We feel delighted in presenting “Practical Botany” for F. Y. B. Sc. students and teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practicals based on Bot.101 and Bot.102 (Sem. I) prescribed by B. O. S. in Botany, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of F. Y. B. Sc. Botany of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.
We acknowledge with gratitude the kind of help and encouragement that received in the preparation of this book from many of our colleagues. The healthy suggestions and critisms from all corners of university are invited for subsequent edition.

Practical 1 
Study of Equipment, Chemicals and Stains used in Botany Laboratory

Practical 2 
Study of Viruses and Bacteria using Electron Photomicrographs, Technique of Gram Staining Bacteria

Practical 3 and 4 
Study of Plant Diseases, Study of Forms of Lichens, Study of Mycorrhiza

Practical 5 and 6 
Study of systematic position, vegetative and reproductive structures of the Nostoc, Sargassum, Aspergillus, Agaricus

Practical 7 
Study of Morphology of Root and Stem Modifications

Practical 8 
Study of Parts of Leaf, Stipules, Leaf, Phyllotaxy, Venation, Modifications

Practical 9 
Study of Types of Inflorescence

Practical 10
Study of Calyx, Corolla and Types of Aestivation

Practical 11 
Study of Androecium and Gynoecium

Practical 12 
Study of Types of Fruits


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