• MTH-203 (A) | Laplace Transforms

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | MTH-203 (A)
    Laplace Transforms

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this books. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for F.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics, MTH – 203 (A) – laplace transforms which is implemented form June 2022 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-203 (B) | Numerical Methods

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | MTH-201
    Ordinary Differential Equations

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this books. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for F.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics, MTH – 203 (B) – NUMERICAL METHODS which is implemented form June 2022 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-302 (A) | Group Theory

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | MTH-302 (A)
    Group Theory

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 302 (A) – Group Theory which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-302 (B) | Theory of Groups and Codes

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | MTH-302 (B)
    Theory of Groups and Codes

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 302 (B) – Theory of Groups and Codes which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-304 | Set Theory and Logic (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | MTH-304
    Set Theory and Logic (SEC)

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 304 (SEC) – Set Theory And Logic which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-402 (A) | Differential Equations

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-402 (A)
    Differential Equations

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 402(A) – Differential Equations which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • MTH-402 (B) | Differential Equations and Numerical Methods

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-402 (B)
    Differential Equations and Numerical Methods

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 402(B) – Differential Equations and Numerical Methods which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.


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  • MTH-404 | Vector Calculus (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | MTH-404
    Vector Calculus (SEC)

    We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S. Y. B. Sc. Mathematics MTH – 404 (SEC) – Vector Calculus which is implemented form June 2019 (CBCS Pattern).
    Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject throughly. There are many worked examples with detailed steps. The problems in the exercises have been compiled taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appriciated by the students and the teachers.

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  • Office Management Tools

    Office Management Tools is a Simple version for F.Y.B.C.A.(NEP) students of our Prashant Publication.
    This text is in accordance with the new syllabus NEP-2024 recommended by the Kavayitri Bahainabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, which has been serving the need of F.Y.B.C.A. Computer Science students from various colleges. This text is also useful for the student of Engineering, B.Sc. (Information Technology and Computer Science), M.Sc, M.C.A. B.B.M., M.B.M. other different Computer courses.
    We are extremely grateful to Prof. Dr. S.R.Kolhe, Chairman, Board of Studies, and all BOS members of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for his valuable guidance.
    We are grateful to Prof. Sanjay E. Pate of Nanasaheb Yashwantrao Narayanrao Chavan Arts, Science, and Commerce College, Chalisgaon for coordinating all authors and publication team.
    We are obligated to Principals and Librarians and staff of respective colleges for their encouragement.

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  • Operating System

    Sem III | BCA-302

    Bachelor in Computer Application

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  • Organizational Behavior

    As educators, we all have the same goal: to help our students make the maximum possible academic gains in a positive, respectful environment that promotes their success and nurtures their desire to learn. Well, for starters, organizational behavior (OB) remains a fascinating topic that everyone can relate to (because everyone either has worked or is going to work in the future). What makes people effective at their job? What makes them want to stay with their employer? What makes work enjoyable? Those are all fundamental questions that organizational behavior research can help answer. However, our desire to write this book also grew out of our own experience of teaching OB using other textbooks.

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  • PHY-101 | Basic Mechanics

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | PHY-101
    Basic Mechanics

    We are very glad to present the book PHY–101 “Basic Mechanics’’ in the hands of FYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for First year BSc to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-102 | Dynamics and Properties of Matter

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | PHY-102
    Dynamics and Properties of Matter

    We are very glad to present the book PHY– 102 “Dynamics of Properties Matter’’ in the hands of FYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for First year BSc to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-103-203 | Practical Physics

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I-II | PHY-103-203
    Practical Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY 103–203 : PRACTICAL PHYSICS’’ in the hands of FYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, NMU Jalgaon, for First year B.Sc. to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-201 | Electricity and Electrostatics

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | PHY-201
    Electricity and Electrostatics

    We are very glad to present the book PHY– 201 “Electricity and Electrostatics’’ in the hands of FYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for First year BSc to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-202 | Dielectrics, Magnetism and Electromagnetism

    F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | PHY-202
    Dielectrics, Magnetism and Electromagnetism

    We are very glad to present the book PHY– 202 “Dielectrics, Magnetism and Electromagnetism’’ in the hands of FYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for First year BSc to be implemented from June 2022 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-301 | Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-301
    Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 301 : THEROMODYNAMICS AND KINETIC THEORY OF GASES’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-302 (A) | Electronics-I

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-302 (A)
    Electronics – I

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 302 (A): ELECTRONICS-I’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-302 (B) | Instrumentation

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-302 (B)

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 302 (B): INSTRUMENTATION’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-303 | Practical Physics

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-303
    Practical Physics

    We feel delighted in presenting the revised “Practical Physics” for S.Y.B.Sc. students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practicals based on
    (General Physics-I, Electronics, Instrumentation) prescribed by B.O.S. in Botany, KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. Physics Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.

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  • PHY-304 | Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (SEC)

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-304
    Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (SEC)

    We feel delighted in presenting the revised “Renewable Energy And Energy Harvesting” for S.Y.B.Sc. students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practicals based on
    (General Physics-I, Electronics, Instrumentation) prescribed by B.O.S. in Botany, KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
    This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. Physics Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.

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  • PHY-401 | Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-401
    Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 401 : Waves, Oscillations and Acoustics’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-402 | Optics and Lasers

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-402
    Optics and Lasers

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 402 : Optics and Lasers’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.


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  • PHY-403 | Practical Physics

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-403
    Practical Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 403 : PRACTICAL PHYSICS’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-404 & ELE-304 | Electrical Circuits and Network Skills

    S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | PHY-404 & ELE-304
    Electrical Circuits and Network Skills

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 404 (SEC) : ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND NETWORK SKILLS’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-501 | Mathematical Physics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-501
    Mathematical Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 501 : Mathematical Physics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-502 | Solid State Physics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-502
    Solid State Physics

    I have great pleasure to place the book on “PHY– 502: Solid State Physics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. I hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.


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  • PHY-503 | Atomic and Molecular Physics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-503
    Atomic and Molecular Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 503 : Atomic and Molecular Physics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-504 (A) | Electronics – II

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-504 (A)
    Electronics – II

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 504 (A) : Electronics – II’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.


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  • PHY-505 | Solar Energy and Applications (SEC)

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-505
    Solar Energy and Applications (SEC)

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 505 : Solar Energy and Applications’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-506 (A) | Technical Electronics – I

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | PHY-506 (A)
    Technical Electronics – I

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 506 (A) : Technical Electronics – I’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-601 | Quantum Mechanics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-601
    Quantum Mechanics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 601 : Quantum Mechanics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-602 | Material Science

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-602
    Material Science

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 602 : Material Science’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-603 | Nuclear Physics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-603
    Nuclear Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 603 : Nuclear Physics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-604 | Modern and Applied Physics

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-602
    Modern and Applied Physics

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 604 : Modern and Applied Physics’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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  • PHY-605 | Basic Instrumentation Skills (SEC)

    T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | PHY-605
    Basic Instrumentation Skills (SEC)

    We are very glad to present the book “PHY– 605 : Basic Instrumentation Skills’’ in the hands of TYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Physics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Third year BSc to be implemented from June 2020 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.

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