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An Introduction to Literary Criticism



  1. Orientation : 1. Literary Criticism – definitions and functions, 2. Types of Criticism :  Historical Criticism,  Biographical Criticism,  Sociological Criticism,  Psychological Criticism, 3. Literature of knowledge and literature of power, 4. Qualities of a good critic.
  2. Traditional Criticism : 1. Classical Criticism – i. Aristotle’s Concept of Imitation (Ref- Poetics), ii. Longinus’s Five Sources of Sublimity (Ref- on the Sublime), 2. Neo-Classical Criticism – i. Dryden’s definition of play (Ref-An Essay on Criticism), ii. Samuel Johnson’s defense of Shakespeare.
  3. Romantic / Victorian Criticism : 1. Wordsworth’s definition of poetry, 2. Coleridge’s distinction between fancy and imagination, 3. Matthew Arnold’s three estimates of poetry.
  4. Modern Criticism : 1. Eliot’s theory of impersonality, 2. William Empson’s seven types of ambiguity, 3. Georg Lukas’ concept of realism, 4. Sigmund Freud’s structure of human mind – id, ego and superego.
  5. New Criticism : 1. Allen Tate’s concept of tension, 2. Cleanth Brooks’ notion of paradox as the structure of poetry, 3. Wimsatt and Beardsley’s concept of intentional fallacy.
  6. Critical Terms and Practical Criticism : I. Critical Terms, 1. Catharsis, 2. Allegory, 3. Diction, 4. Irony, 5. Motif and theme, 6. Genre, 7. Metaphor, 8. Point of view, II. Practical Criticism.


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