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Impact of Globalization on Language and Literature

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Prvara Rural Education Society : At the Glance

The keel of Pravara Rural Education Society was laid by founder Chairman Padmashri Vikhe Patil in the year 1964. Pravara Rural Education Society is widely recognized as Rural India’s novel Education Society. Today it has blossomed into an ultra-modern and multidimensional education complex. It was Padmashri Vikhe Patil’s firm conviction that rural youth play dominant role in the nation building, if they were provided quality education. He also advocated that education of a women mean education of the whole family. He knew that the success of social transformation in rural area depended a good deal on gradual upliftment and active participation of the women folk. In order to accomplish these objectives, Pravara Public School, Pravara Kanya Vidya Mandir, the residential schools were established. Bringing the girls for enrollment was an uphill task. Undaunted in spirit, Padmashri Vikhe Patil went from door to door motivating the parents; and to ease their financial constraints, he founded Late Mrs. Gangubai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil Trust. Similarly he introduced Earn and Learn Scheme to intelligent and needy students pursuing higher studies. Subsequently a chain of several institutions mushroomed in this Pravara region for providing education in Technical, Vocational, Medical streams turning the founder father’s dream into a reality.
Late Dr. Eknathrao alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil was a member of the 14th Lok Sabha of India. He took upon himself the task of translating the dreams of Padmashri into concrete realities by providing dynamic and pragmatic leadership to the society, true to the tradition of illustrious family. Such a visionary who quoted and acted as per his own maxim “Think globally and act locally”, was awarded with prestigious civilian award “Padmabhushan” on 31st March 2010 for his outstanding social work.
Pravara Rural Education Society is bound to grow enormously under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Namdar Shri. Radhakrishna Eknathrao Vikhe Patil, whose entire life was dedicated to the service of the farmers and the rural community, He persevered to provide them educational facilities, employment, and ushered reforms in the rural agro-industries, water conservation and its distribution, agriculture, financial, and health sectors. Under his dynamic leadership the Pravara Rural Education Society is working earnestly to achieve the goals set by his father.
Starting an educational institution in such a remote place and making it run successfully was a task next to impossible. The challenge was taken by the visionary Padmashri Vikhe Patil and his associates. Further for the Higher Education he started Arts, Science and Commerce College. It was the humble beginning to provide urban amenities to rural area. Many centers of Primary, Secondary and Higher Education in and around, recognizes Pravara as an Educational hub and become a role model of rural educational center in the country.


  1. जागतिकीकरणाचा मराठी भाषा व साहित्यावर प्रभाव – डॉ. संदीप सांगळे
  2. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी साहित्य – डॉ. शांताराम बबनराव चौधरी
  3. जागतिकीकरणाचा मराठी कादंबरी होणारा प्रभाव – डॉ. सुवर्णा राजेश जाधव
  4. जागतिकीकरण मराठी साहित्य आणि संस्कृती – प्रा. डॉ. द. के. गंधारे
  5. जागतिकीकरण आणि ग्रामीण कादंबऱ्या – डॉ. भाऊसाहेब दादासाहेब गव्हाणे
  6. आदिवासी मराठी साहित्य आणि जागतिकीकरण – डॉ. कुंदा बाळासाहेब कवडे
  7. मराठी भाषेचे यशस्वी जागतिकीकरण – प्रा. डॉ. जगदीश शेवते
  8. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी कादंबरी – प्रा. मोहन बाबूराव चव्हाण
  9. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी महानगरीय कथा – प्रा. संदीप विलास लांडगे
  10. जागतिकीकरण आणि संवादकौशल्य – डॉ. अनुराधा वसंत गुजर
  11. 1990 नंतरच्या स्त्री कवयित्रींच्या महानगरीय कवितेची भाषाशैली – डॉ. संगीता माधवराव वाकोळे
  12. जागतिकीकरण आणि लोकसाहित्य – प्रा. सुनिल रामचंद्र जाधव
  13. ग्रामीण कवितेत दिसणारे जागतिकीकरणाचे परिणाम – प्रा. डॉ. मंगल नामदेव हांडे
  14. जागतिकीकरण मराठी भाषा, साहित्य आणि संस्कृती – प्रा. के. एम. लोखंडे
  15. जागतिकीकरण आणि संस्कृती – प्रा. डॉ. मीनाक्षी पुंडलिक पाटील
  16. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी साहित्य – ललिता सुभाष अहिरे
  17. मुद्रणकलेचा सांस्कृतिक इतिहास – प्रा. एस. ए. अनाप
  18. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी भाषा – सौ. सविता म्हसू तांबे
  19. जागतिकीकरण आणि मराठी भाषा – प्रा. श्रीमती स्वाती रमेश फापाळे
  20. जागतिकीकरण- साहित्य व संस्कृती – प्रा. निलेश सोमनाथ पर्वत
  21. मराठी भाषा संधी व आव्हाने – प्रा. आर. ए. नेटके
  22. जागतिकीकरणाचा भाषा व साहित्यावरील प्रभाव – प्रा. संतोष मारुती शिंदे


  1. वैश्वीकरण और हिन्दी की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता – डॉ. शाहिद हुसैन, डॉ. श्रद्धा हिरकने
  2. वैश्वीकरण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक अनुवाद के संदर्भ में – डॉ. बालासाहेब सोनवणे
  3. वैश्वीकरण का हिन्दी भाषा पर प्रभाव – डॉ. स्मृति नरेश चौधरी
  4. वैश्विकरण और हिंदी – प्रा. डॉ. ऐनूर शब्बीर शेख
  5. वैश्वीकरण से प्रभावित मानवी जीवन (उपन्यास ‌‘उत्कोच’ के विशेष संदर्भ में) – डॉ. संदिप तपासे
  6. वैश्वीकरण और जनसंचार माध्यम – डॉ. पूनम जिभाऊ बोरसे
  7. वैश्विकरण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में उपन्यास -‌‘अकेला पलाश’ – डॉ. सरला सुर्यभान तुपे
  8. वैश्वीकरण : पर्यावरण संरक्षण तथा संवर्धण (‌‘अभंगवाणी’ के संदर्भ में…) – डॉ. प्रविण मन्मथ केंद्रे
  9. वैश्वीकरण की आंधी से उजडी असुर जाती – प्रा. देशमुख शहेनाज अ. रफिक
  10. आधुनिक परिदृश्य में संचार माध्यमों में हिंदी का प्रयोग – प्रा. अनिल उत्तम पारधी
  11. वैश्वीकरण के युग में हिंदी भाषा – डॉ. प्रवीण तुलशीराम तुपे
  12. वैश्वीकरण और हिंदी भाषा – प्रा. सोनाली रामदास हरदास
  13. वैश्वीकरण और जनसंचार माध्यम – डॉ. शिला महादू घुले
  14. ‌‘वैश्वीकरण का हिंदी भाषा पर प्रभाव’ – प्रा. सुनील चांगदेव काकडे
  15. वैश्वीकरण और हिंदी भाषा – प्रा. संतोष अंबादास बावणे
  16. बीसवीं सदी के अंतिम दशक के हिंदी और मराठी के सामाजिक नाटकों में चित्रित जातीय संघर्ष – डॉ. राहुल मराठे
  17. वैश्वीकरण की परिभाषा एवं स्वरूप – डॉ. बाळासाहेब धोंडीराम बाचकर
  18. वैश्वीकरण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में उदय प्रकाश का साहित्य – डॉ. शरद कचेश्वर शिरोळे, प्रा. दिपाली दत्तात्रय तांबे
  19. वैश्वीकरण के परिपेक्ष्य में अनुवाद का महत्व – प्रा. दिपाली दत्तात्रय तांबे, डॉ. शरद कचेश्वर शिरोळे
  20. वैश्वीकरण का हिंदी भाषा पर प्रभाव – सतपाल सिंघ मनमोहन सिंघ कामठेकर
  21. वैश्वीकरण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य – सौ. मनिषा कल्याण तावरे
  22. वैश्वीकरण और भारतीय समाज – अनीता विनय कुमार सिंह
  23. वैश्वीकरण और भारतीय स्त्री – अनुराधा रामकिशन रौंदळे
  24. वैश्वीकरण और हिंदी भाषा (यात्रा साहित्य के संदर्भ में) – रेश्मा मारूती कांबळे
  25. हिंदी वैश्वीकरण के सन्दर्भ में जनसंचार माध्यम की भूमिका – ऐश्वर्या राजन वाघमारे
  26. संजीव के उपन्यास साहित्य में वैश्वीकरण – कु. छाया रत्नाकर पांढरकर


  1. Globalization and Rootedness: A Reading of Wole Soyinka’s Poem Roots – Dr. Govind Rasal
  2. Social Impact of Globalization In Tagore’s the Post Office – Dr. M. Sathyaraj
  3. Globalisation and Educational Policy Planning – Dr. Prasad R. Dagwale
  4. Spatial Restrictions of the Parochial Normative Canons of Society on Female Subjects in Jaishree Misra’s Ancient Promises and Kavita Daswani’s The Village Bride of Beverly Hills – Dr. Siddharth Nathuram Kale, Dr. Sopan Nanasaheb Jadhav
  5. The Effects of Globalization on English Language Learning – Dr. Bhausaheb S. Desale
  6. Positive and Negative Influences of Social Media on English Language Learning – Dr. Rohini D. Kasar
  7. Globalization and Language – Dr. Suman Devi
  8. Globalization and Its Impacts on English Language and Local / Regional Languages – Mr. Bilyansidha K. Payagonde
  9. Globalization and English Language – Chetna Mahajan
  10. Impact of Globalization on the English Language and English Language Teaching – Mr. Rameshwar B. Dusunge
  11. Globalization and Communication – Mr. Devidas Kisan Shinde
  12. The Impact of Globalization on English Literature with special reference to Chetan Bhagat’s “The 3 Mistakes of My Life:A Story about Business, Cricket and Religion” – Mr. Nandkumar Bhandari
  13. Globalization and Translation – Mr. Hemant Govindrao Pawar
  14. Cultural Displacement of the New Woman as an Impact of Globalisation: a Transnational Feminist Study of select Women Writers – Ms. Varsha Sahebrao Aher
  15. The Impact of Globalization on English Literature with special reference to Arvind Adiga’s “Last Man in the Tower” – Prof. Pranali G. Bothe
  16. Globalization: Rejuvenating our Senses – Mr Shivnath A. Takte, Mr Satish S. Vairal
  17. A study of Culture in terms of language variation in the age of Globalization – Sunil Yakob Mhankale
  18. Enriching Indian Ethos through English language in the age of Globalization – Mr. Swapnil Shivaji Landage
  19. Global Emotion and Trailblazer-ness of Walt Whitman in elegy special reference to O Captain ! My Captain! – Mr. Sharad Vitthal Awari
  20. Globalization and English Language – Smt. Sharmishtha Balkrishna Borude
  21. Globalization and Indian Diaspora Literature with Reference to Jumpha Lahiri’s Novel The Namesake – Ms. Sunanda R. Pachore
  22. The Globalization of English Language – Mr. S. B. Brahmane
  23. Impact of Globalization on English Language – Mr. T. B. Bidgar
  24. Modern Technology: Impact on English Language – Mr. Raju Baliram Morey
  25. Teaching English at Primary Level in Tamil Nadu State of India A Pedagogical Approach – Mr. Anil Subhash Londhe
  26. Impact of Globalization on English Literature with Special Reference to Thomas Hardy’s Major Novels – Adik Manisha Sarangdhar, Dr. Suresh Kumar
  27. Advantages and Disadvantages of the globalization of English Language – Mr. P. N. Mandhare


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