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Principles and Practice of Banking – II

FYBCom (Sem II)


  1. Multiple Credit Creation : 1.1 Balance Sheet of Bank, 1.1.1 Bank’s Balance Sheet, Concept, 1.1.2 Format of Balance sheet and concerning schedules, 1.1.3 Schedules (Form A), Liabilities Section, Assets Section, 1.2 Multiple Credit Creation by Commercial Banks, 1.2.1 Introduction, Multiple Creation of Credit, 1.2.2 Importance of Multiple Credit Creation, 1.2.3 Credit Expansion & Contraction, Credit Expansion, Credit Contraction, 1.2.4 Deposit Multiplier or Credit Creation Formula, 1.2.5 Limitations of Credit Creation,  Model Questions.
  2. Principles of Sound Banking : 2.1 Sound Banking : Meaning and Concept, 2.1.1 Introduction, 2.1.2 Sound Banking : Meaning and Concept, 2.1.3 Essentials of a Sound Banking System, 2.2 Principles of Sound Banking System, 2.2.1 Introduction, 2.2.2 Principles of Sound Banking, 2.2.3 Conflict between liquidity and Profitability, 2.3 Non-Performing Assets (NPA), 2.3.1 NPA : Meaning and Concept, 2.3.2 Factors that contribute to Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), 2.3.3 Types of NPAs, 2.3.4 Impact of NPAs on Financial Operations, 2.3.5 Management of NPAs,  Model Questions.
  3. Central Banking : 3.1 Central Bank : Meaning and Functions, 3.1.1 Introduction, 3.1.2 Central Bank : Meaning and Concept, 3.1.3 Central Bank : Definition, 3.1.4 Central Bank : Salient Features, 3.1.5 Functions of Central Bank, 3.2 Distinction between Central Bank and Commercial Bank, 3.2.1 Central Bank : Meaning and Concept, 3.2.2 Commercial Bank : Meaning and Concept, 3.2.3 Distinction between Central Bank and Commercial Bank., 3.3 Role of Central Bank (Reserve Bank of India) in Indian Economy, 3.3.1 Introduction, 3.3.2 Role of Central Bank (Reserve Bank of India) in Indian Economy,  Model Questions.
  4. Monetary Policy : 4.1 Establishment and Objectives of RBI, 4.1.1 Establishment of RBI, 4.1.2 Objectives of RBI, 4.2 Functions of Reserve Bank of India, 4.2.1 Introduction, 4.2.2 Functions of RBI, 4.2.3 Prohibited functions of RBI, 4.3 Monetary Instruments of Credit Controls of RBI, 4.3.1 Introduction, 4.3.2 Objective of Credit Control, 4.3.3 Weapons of Credit Control, Quantitative or General Methods, Qualitative Methods of Credit Control, 4.3.4 Limitations of Credit Control Policy of RBI,  Model Questions.
  5. The Financial Markets : 5.1 Money Market, 5.1.1 Money Market : Meaning and Concept, 5.1.2 Money Market : Definition, 5.1.3 Location, 5.1.4 Dealers of Money Market, 5.1.5 Money Market : Features, 5.1.6 Money Market : Importance, 5.1.7 Role of Money Market in Indian Economy, 5.1.8 Structure of the Money Market, Organized Sector, Unorganized Sector, 5.1.9 Money Market : Instruments, Government Instruments, Banking instruments, Private Instruments, 5.1.10 Money Market : Participants, 5.2 Capital Market, 5.2.1 Introduction, 5.2.2 Capital Market : Meaning and Definitions, 5.2.3 Capital Market : Instruments, 5.2.4 Capital Market : Features/Characteristics, 5.2.5 Capital Market : Functions, 5.2.6 Capital Market : Importance, 5.2.7 Constituents of Primary and Secondary Markets,  Model Questions.
  6. Rural Finance, Financial Inclusion and Micro Finance : 6.1 Rural Finance, 6.1.1 Rural Finance : Meaning and Concept, 6.2 Credit Needs of Rural and Agriculture, 6.2.1 Introduction, 6.2.2 Credit needs for Rural and Agriculture, 6.3 Sources of Rural and Agricultural Finance, 6.3.1 Co-Operative Credit Structure, Introduction, Co-Operative Credit Structure in India, 6.3.2 RRBs and NABARD, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), 6.4 Financial Inclusion, 6.4.1 Introduction, 6.4.2 Financial Inclusion : Meaning and Concept, 6.4.3 Financial Inclusion : Objectives, 6.4.4 Financial Inclusion : Importance, 6.4.5 Financial Inclusion : Rationale, 6.4.6 Reasons and Measures of Financial Exclusion, 6.5 Micro Finance, 6.5.1 Micro Finance : Meaning and Concept, 6.5.2 Micro Finance : Features, 6.5.3 Objectives of Microfinance, 6.5.4 Microfinance : Importance / Merits, 6.5.5 Aspects of Micro Finance, Aspects of Micro Finance, Types of Micro Finance, Micro finance Models, Micro finance Institutions, Groups organised by Micro Finance Institutions in India, Regulations of MFIs.,  Model Questions.


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