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Organizational Skills Development (Part – I)

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  1. Concept of Modern Office : 1.1 Introduction, 1.2 Modern Office • Meaning and Definition • Characteristics • Importance of Office • Functions of Modern Office, 1.3 Changing Office View: Past, Present & Future • Past Office • Historical Developments • Present Office • Future Office, 1.4 Office Environment • Meaning and Definition • Importance • Factors of Good Office Environment, 1.5 Office Location • Meaning and Definition • Principles • Factors affecting Office Location, 1.6 Office Layout • Meaning and Definition • Principles • Factors affecting Office Layout
  2. Office Organization and Management : 2.1 Introduction, 2.2 Office Organisation • Meaning and Definition • Importance • Principles • Types of Organization, 2.3 Office Management • Meaning and Definition • Functions of Office Management, 2.4 Scientific Office Management • Meaning • Aims • Techniques of Scientific Office Management • Steps for installation of Scientific Office Management, 2.5 Office Manager • Functions of Office Manager • Duties of Office Manager • Responsibilities of Office Manager
  3. Office Record Management : 3.1 Introduction, 3.2 Office Records Management • Objectives of Record Management • Scope of Records Management • Significance of Record Management • Principles of Records Management • Modern Tendencies in Record Keeping, 3.3 Digitalization of records • Advantages of Digitalization
    • Problems of Digitalization, 3.4 Form Design • Objectives of Forms • Types of Forms • Significance of form designing • Principles of form designing, 3.5 Office Manual • Meaning and Definition • Contents of Office Manual • Types of Office Manual • Benefits of Office Manual • Disadvantages/Limitations of Office Manual.
  4. Office Work : 4.1 Introduction, 4.2 Office Work • Meaning and Definition, 4.3 Flow of work • Significance of Flow of Work • Features of Ideal flow of work • Benefits of Flow of work • Problems in smooth flow of work • Suggestions for even flow of work.


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